Say hello to the most fun and supportive wedding business community you'll ever find!
The Love Biz Academy was created to support amazing creatives like YOU to level up your business, bring your ideas to life and turn your passion into profit!
Sounds epic right? Click here to find out more:

We offer a whole bunch of fun and interactive courses.
For those just starting out in the industry wanting to kickstart their Love Biz with a bang or those who've been in the game a while and ready to level up!

Are you looking for a place to connect with like-minded Love Biz Legends?
Join our FREE Facebook community for daily support and inspiration (and a heavy side serving of memes!)
Hey, I’m Laura!
90’s music junkie
Coffee addict
Spreadsheet lover
Cat snuggler
Wedding celebrant
And Founder of the Love Biz Academy
Back in 2018 I was super pumped about embarking on an amazing career marrying allllll the lovers!
BUT at the same time, I found it incredibly overwhelming trying to turn my ideas and celebrancy qualification into a business because it seemed like there was so much to do…
And being a solopreneur can be super lonely too right?
After jumping into the business of love full-time, I realised that I wasn’t the only one who felt this way.
It's real tough to navigate all the things that need to be done when building a small business from the ground up. And I wasn't able to find the exact support, resources and accountability I needed to get things moving as fast as I wanted...
So I created the Love Biz Academy! To help my fellow wedding pros turn their passion into an epic, thriving business and connect with other like-minded legends along the way!
The courses, coaching and community at the core of the Love Biz Academy have been designed to get you where you want to be faster, with less stress, less wasted $$$ (and less WTF moments!) whilst feeling loved and supported the entire time - so you can create the business of your dreams!!

At the Love Biz Academy, LESS is MORE!
Less comparison + more growth
Everyone’s business journey is unique. I encourage you not to compare your day 1 to others day 3247! I’m here to help you put a stop the self-doubt and say ‘bye felicia!’ to imposter syndrome! We’ll support you to have the courage to be yourself, because you’re special (I pinky promise ;) ).
Less overthinking + more action
We are all about taking action! (Hot tip - your Love Biz can’t grow and transform when you do nothing!) So think of us as your hype-crew! We’ll always be your biggest cheerleader - offering support and keeping you accountable so you can achieve BIG things!
Less of the same + more innovation
I am passionate about showing the world that working in the wedding industry is a REAL JOB! Yes it’s a bloody fun one, but we work damn hard too! So we’re all about breaking the mould, thinking outside the box and challenging the norms.
Less doing it alone + more community
I believe that there is more than enough success to go around! So I’ve created a community that champions, inspires and supports one another whilst acknowledging and respecting that we all have our own unique style.
Less perfect + more progress
If there’s one thing that’s certain in the business world… perfection doesn’t exist. Instead let's focus on consistency, positivity and taking small steps towards our goals every single day! I will be here to celebrate your wins, acknowledge your achievements and be proud of your success because you’re doing great!
If you want to stay in touch then don’t forget to follow us on Instagram and Facebook to see what we get up to on the daily!
So many wedding vendors make the error of marketing themselves to all couples and wondering why they aren’t getting the enquiries flooding in
Truth is - the key to success is actually finding your dream couples!
Take this fun quiz to reveal exactly the types of couples you love working with the most, so you can start booking more and more of them today! 🧡